Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring and Adventures

I'm not sure what nature has in store for us this year... a very long winter, then a "Monsoon Season" Spring... weather that goes from 60degrees to 95degrees in a day, and then back to 50degrees. I'm just waiting for all the worms and frogs to completely cover the ground, since it's soooo saturated! BUT, I can say that I'm glad FOR the rain... makes going into Summer a bit less stressful, knowing it could be drought-free. I do hope that we actually HAVE a Spring. I am NOT ready for the heat yet.

Speaking of heat, we're leaving in LESS THAN 2 WEEKS to visit our daughter and son-in-law in the tropics of Pensacola! We are very excited, and know that 4 days is never long enough (at least for us!)!! It has been toooo long since we've seen those "kids"! Our son is moving to Norfolk from Charleston, so this means another vacation spot! Since he's a Navy man, he will be taking off for the big blue ocean in 2010 and be gone for a year... a world-tour voyage for the USS Enterprise!

We have been kayaking twice, so far, this year! This is a great sign that we will be enjoying nature tons more than last year!

And so we wait for the surprises to come... everything in it's own time AND season!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time is of the essence

So, life has such a way of passing by... the older we get (not that I'm getting older!), the less hours there seems to be in a day :( (I'm not sure, but I think the 60 minutes that used to be in an hour have really decreased to 45... and no one told us about the change!) There are sooo many things to jam into every living day... Exercise, food, work, love, socializing, family, playing, praying, normal household chores, abnormal household chores... and then there's sleep, too! If I could get by on just 4 hours of sleep, I think I could accomplish my daily tasks. Aahhh, but sleep is a must-have, so life is... a juggling act.

Today is my dad's birthday! He is a young 72! I asked him how old he felt, and he said, "59!" I think this is great, because he's not even close to spending time in an "Older Aging Persons Facility!" As a matter of fact, when I asked him what he was up to today, he said he was preparing his "Nursery!" His one beagle is going to have puppies! This will keep him busier than usual, of course (and he's already busy! I didn't fall too far from that tree). HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!

As for my day, I will continue my quest of trying to fit too much into it... and enjoying whatever fits!!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Welcome 2009

So, I can't say that 2008 was a stellar year, but I'm embracing 2009... It's got to be better than last year. However, I found that the many "oddities" that occurred last year were, in the end, progress towards better understanding of love and life. (whoa, I feel like that was a profound statement... coming from me? the goofball?).

Rock on, 2009... Bring it on!!